Web Scanner-An automated Footprinting Tool

Akshay Bhalerao



Footprinting is the first step of hacking. Footprinting refers to the process of collecting as much as information as possible about the target system to find ways to penetrate (hack) into the system.​

The tool ‘Web Scanner’ automates this task of footprinting.

On running this tool and simply entering a website the tool would return-

  1. The domain name
  2. The IP Address
  3. Nmap Scan
  4. robots.txt
  5. CMS (Content Management System) used like Wordpress, Joomla, Wix
  6. whois lookup
  7. traceroute
  8. nslookup scan
  9. Web Scanner would also crawl the target website
  10. It would then search for emails on the target website
  11. The tool would also search for any telephone or contact numbers on the target website
  12. Nikto Scan would also be performed at the end by this tool

Steps to install this tool-

  1. Download/Clone this tool from: https://github.com/Akshay7591/Web-Scanner
  2. Navigate to the directory where the tool is downloaded give execution permission to the ‘install.sh’ file by using the command-
chmod +x install.sh

3.Run the installation file using the command-


4.After successful installation run the ‘main.py’ file using the command-

python3 main.py

5.Simply enter your project name and the target website then tool will automatically do the rest.



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